
Season 37 Poster Auction – Another Round!

Thanks to everyone who bid on the signed posters we auctioned off last week – you helped raise $2,950! In case you didn’t have the winning bid, we want to give you another chance to get a piece of Season 37 memorabilia so we’re happy to announce the Poster Auction: Round Two!

New artists and signed posters from Season 37 are now up on eBay – the auction will close on Friday, March 16 so bid now and bid often! Posters up for grabs are: Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears, Fleet Foxes, Flogging Molly, Gomez, Head and the Heart, Mumford & Sons and Joanna Newsom (unsigned).

These posters are extremely rare – very few printed and even fewer signed! And while you’ll become the proud owner of some music history, you’ll also be giving back to your public television station because 100% of the proceeds go directly to support KLRU-TV!

Encore Broadcast News

ACL Encore: Kris Kristofferson & Steve Earle

This week’s encore episode features two Texas natives that are arguably two of the greatest singer-songwriters in American music: Steve Earle and Kris Kristofferson.

Both artists delivered remarkably intimate sets for our celebratory 35th season of Austin City Limits; Kristofferson played hits such as “Help Me Make It Through the Night” acoustically, while Earle performed tracks from his Townes Van Zandt  tribute album, Townes. There’s no doubt that these classic performers have left their mark on the music industry with their expansive careers that stretch over several decades and expansive discography and collaborations.

Check your local listings for showtimes and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr to keep up with updates on tapings and airings!


Ticket Giveaway: The Shins 3/18

Austin City Limits will be taping a performance by The Shins on Sunday, March 18, at 8 pm at ACL Live at The Moody Theater (310 W. 2nd Street, Willie Nelson Blvd).  We will be giving away a limited number of space available passes to this taping. Enter your name and email address on the below form by 9 am Monday, March 12. Passes are not transferable and cannot be sold.

Featured Taping Recap

Radiohead’s ACL taping is a triumph

Radiohead taped Austin City Limits last night. It almost feels like that’s all we need to say. This was a highly anticipated show, not only amongst the fans, but for us as well. Radiohead has been highon our wish list for years, so that rush of “When’s it gonna happen? It’s gonna happen! Now it’s happening!” has been buzzing through all of our veins for a long time.

Needless to say, the band delivered. Not the hits, necessarily – Oxford’s favorite sons have never been the pandering kind. A progressive rock band in the purest sense, Radiohead is always pushing itself forward, deconstructing and reconstructing its own aethestic, experimenting with its sound and presenting its latest iteration, rather than falling back on old habits and familiarity.  In Thom Yorke’s words prior to launching into one of the several brand new songs played during the night: “This is why we press on.”

In that sense, Radiohead gave us one hell of a show. “My face was melted at @radiohead” remarked @zee_funk on Twitter. Drawing almost exclusively from their last three albums Hail to the Thief, In Rainbows and The King of Limbs, the band blazed through some of its most daring material, adding drummer Clive Deamer (last on our stage with Robert Plant, who was in the audience) for extra polyrhythmic emphasis. “Little By Little”  made perfect use of the band’s distinctive three-guitar attack, the interlocking six-string lines slithering in and out of the skittering rhythms. “Myxomatosis” and “Morning Mr. Magpie” were jittery rockers seemingly influenced as much by caffeine as the electronica the band weaves into its rock tapestry. “The Gloaming” hit a unique balance between dissonant and ethereal, the instrumental parts almost fighting each other while singer Thom Yorke floated over the top. “Arpeggi” and the new song “Identikit” built a generous amount of tension into their swirling arrangements, smartly ending before the anticipated Big Rock Climax could happen.

We love it when artists play brand new material, and Radiohead graced us with the atmospheric, rhythm-heavy “Staircase,” the piano-heavy “The Daily Mail” and the lovely “Skirting On the Surface,” as well as “Identikit.” The band also resurrected the odd, intriguing “The Amazing Sounds of Orgy,” an old B-side that Yorke described as having “disappeared like a wet fart in the wind.”

The band ended the main set with the bizarre “Feral,” a strange but compelling mix of dub and Latin rhythms, and the frenetic “Idioteque,” a Kid A gem that got a huge response from the crowd. But not as huge as the final song of the encore – the towering “Paranoid Android” still stands as one of modern rock’s greatest achievements, and everybody gave the band’s fiery performance the love it deserved.

“After Radiohead tonight, I don’t feel the need to RSVP to any more sxsw events,” claimed @chu16 on Twitter. “My experience has already peaked.” While we’d never claim that a single show summarized an entire concert-going career, once the rest of the world sees this performance on PBS in the fall they’ll understand the hyperbole. Radiohead’s show represents what can be achieved by an artist determined to dive deep into the heart of its muse. Or, as @HeatherCuriel put it more simply and breathlessly, “passion, life changing, beautiful. rock and roll is alive.”

But you don’t have to take our word for it – check out what, Austin Metblogs, KGSR, and Austin Bloggy Limits had to say about Radiohead’s ACL taping. And don’t forget to visit our Facebook and Twitter pages and let us know what you think.


Radiohead tickets on Craigslist

Diehard Radiohead fans who did not win passes to tonight’s ACL taping have no doubt noticed the ads on Craigslist offering to sell tickets to this show.

We have messaged this in the past, but due to the high volume of ticket requests for this taping we feel the need to reiterate: ACL taping passes are never for sale. Attempting to sell passes jeopardizes our relationships with our donors and trade partners and, mostly importantly, inhibits our ability to contract with artists.

Also, as those you who’ve attended tapings in the past year have noticed, physical tickets are now a thing of the past. If you win passes on the blog, you’re getting a spot on the guest list, not actual tickets, and those spots can only be redeemed by coming in person and showing us your ID. So anyone on Craigslist or elsewhere who tells you they have tickets on hand to sell is, to be blunt, scamming you. They are counterfeit tickets and will not be honored. You’ll have spent an enormous amount of money for nothing.

We wish we could accommodate every fan who wants to see our tapings. But attempting to buy and/or sell passes to ACL tapings hurts us and hurts you. Please don’t do it. Thank you for your continued support of ACL and KLRU.


Ticket Giveaway: Alabama Shakes

UPDATE: Ticket giveaway is over and winners have been notified by email.

Austin City Limits will be taping a performance by Alabama Shakes on Tuesday, March 13, at 6 pm at ACL Live at The Moody Theater (310 W. 2nd Street, Willie Nelson Blvd).  We will be giving away a limited number of space available passes to this taping. Enter your name and email address on the below form by 9 am Friday, March 9. Passes are not transferable and cannot be sold.